Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 24

Hello again.
I'm down to 16 pounds lost exactly. That's not much since I posted last on Day 22. It seems that I may have entered a dreaded slump. I've read that slumps are very normal in this diet. I've been leaving out my second fruit and exercising a little more to try and get a boost. But so far I've only lost a half pound each day for the last 2 days. Plus before that I had the sunscreen drama, so thanks to that it's really been one pound in 3 days. Yikes! I've been thinking about doing a mini-steak day again, hoping this time would be different. But I just haven't felt full enough to do it. I do get hungry at mealtime but I'm not hungry at all in between those times. I'd like to be one of those people that I read about that feels so not hungry that they practically have to force feed themselves. Or this other woman that has a HCG twitter. She lost 28 lbs in 2 weeks! What's the difference between her body and mine? Don't get me wrong, I love love love my 16 lb loss. But I am absolutely focused on getting the most I can out of this round. Wish me luck on breaking this streak.

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