Sunday, January 10, 2010

Let's try this again.

Hi all,

Sorry that it's been so long since I last posted. I'll give you a quick rundown. I only ended up doing 5 weeks instead of 6 on VCLD. I'm positive now that I had a round of shots that were bad in some way and in the last couple of weeks I was extremely hungry and felt sickly. I tried with no avail to get a replacement batch but the creep at the pharmacy wouldn't budge. When it was all said and done, I lost 28 lbs. in that 5 weeks.

In the time between early September and New Year's Eve, I gained back about 18 lbs of that weight. I've had some health issues during that time that I've been treating and doing much better. So now it's time to give it another go. I feel stronger and more balanced than I have in a long time. It's time to pick myself up, dust myself off and get back on those damn jeans!

To tell you the truth, I've been back on VCLD for 7 days now. I waited to blog to see if I could stay on it successfully and so far I am blown away by how much easier it is this time having gotten my shots from a different pharmacist. I wish more than anything that I had the name of the last pharmacist that screwed me, but sadly I threw away the package without thinking. My body and brain were starving by that point. Anyway, I've lost 7.6 lbs in the last 7 days and feeling great. I have much less hunger and much more energy than I did last time. And I'm only doing a 20 day round this time which is so much easier mentally, hopefully creating more success in the long run. I admit that I was a little scared after my last experience.

I learned so much from the last time that made this round much easier. Like, it's o.k. to take an appetite suppressant if you need one. And for me, decaf coffee between 2 and 4 pm really helps me get through that time. I've been adding some stevia, cinnamon and vanilla to my coffee to give it a sweet dessert taste. And drinking so much hot tea, my stomach is bloated with liquid by the end of the day. That's partly due to the extremely dry, cold weather in Colorado these days. I could really do without getting up to pee several times a night though.

This time I'm taking it easy. I'm going to blog every few days instead of everyday and I'm going to try and move my body a little more this time than last time, and most of all, I'm not going to stress about any of this, even if I have a day (or more) when I've lost no weight at all.

Ta Ta for now!


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